A new aspect on organotin chemistry

Radical chemistry using tin atom has been well-known chemistry. However we found a new aspect of tin chemistry under radical conditions. For example, a direct radical substitution reaction progresses if the molecular geometry is suitable. Very interesting radical cascade process containing, addition, rearrangement, and substitution reaction progresses. Recently, we successfully estimated a kinetic parameter of direct radical substitution reaction at a tin atom. Radical rearrangement including radical substitution process provided a new synthetic method of aza-heterocyclic compounds. Stannolane is a useful material for the double Stille coupling reaction to give tetrahydrobenz[f]isoindole derivatives. These novel aspects of tin chemistry will open a new methodology in organic synthesis.

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Kamimura, A.; So, M.; Ishikawa, S.; Uno, H.

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Kamimura, A.; Ishikawa, S.; Noguchi, F.; Moriyama, T.; So, M.; Murafuji, T.; Uno, H.

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